Manhole Making Machine
Our factory, located in Corlu/ Tekirdag, continues to manufacture construction equipment, including concrete manhole machine and concrete manhole base machine. This machine is used for the production of products such as concrete pipes, manhole, manhole base, concrete rings with a height of 1000 mm with dimensions of Ø300 mm and Ø1200 mm

Machine automation system is designed by CONMACH engineers and is designed for easy use by the operator. The vibration system of our machine is liquid oily and has a closed cycle. This feature is designed for highly efficient production. The use of sheet metal, such as cold-resistant ST52-ST44-Hardox, is preferred at the production stage. The bearings inside the vibrator are resistant to wear and high temperatures.

620 conical chimney elements, transitions / produces 80 units per day.
1000 mm rings / produces 60 units. in the day.
1200 mm rings / produces 50 units per day.
Сoncrete mortar is supplied into the mold using a rotary hopper, and the finished concrete products are removed using a crane.

Cumhuriyet Mahallesi, Ali Osman Çelebi Blv. No: 105, 59850 Çorlu/Tekirdağ, Türkiye
Tel: +90 (212) 549 89 42
+90 544 468 75 49